The original interracial dating
site since 2001

Interracial Dating at is the best place for you if you are on the lookout for an online community that is dedicated to encouraging and arranging interracial relationships. With hundreds of thousands of members choosing us to forge potential connections, you will find that it is quick and easy to connect with someone who shares the same values and commitment to interracial dating as you do.

That is not all, however. is a one of a kind interracial dating site due to its many unique features that are not offered by many dating communities and services, like our 24 / 7 support team or our secure member verification process.

Success Stories

Feeling Blessed

I just want to say it's been a pleasure, I met my husband Stuart online and we've been married 6 months now. I love him so much! He is sweet, handsome and so responsible and we can't wait to start a family! I will always cherish him.

You might never find your match but don't give up. Like me, you might be on the site for one year but your Mr.right might be on for a day and find you. I am living proof that online dating works, keep searching and you will both find each other...

Many Thanks to

I started to use nearly a year ago. I met my current husband on your platform (he is from the U.S.). We started with emails throughout this site and got to know each other very well in the first place. Approximately into a year of communicating through emails and video chats, he came to Siberia to meet me, my friends and parents in person. Then on his next arrival, we got married.

I'm endlessly thankful for this platform, for giving us a chance to find each other. Because living in different parts of the world, we could have had no chance to meet. Today we are one happy family... is the Biggest
Platform for Interracial Dating

In today's fast-paced world, it has become next to impossible to date people the conventional way by getting to know one another's friends, acquaintances, family members, colleagues, and so on. People barely have time to have a home-cooked meal these days, let alone set aside time for a night out with a potential partner or spouse.

In today's world, dating websites can come to your rescue and make it much easier and more efficient for you to meet that special someone you've been looking for. What's even better, the right site will not only help you quickly narrow the search to find your special partner, but will provide security, confidentiality, and dependable services as well.

This is where comes into the picture. is the world's first, largest, and most comprehensive interracial dating site, offering a plethora of services that will help you find your best match after searching through various single, ready to mingle interracial people. We have been around for well over a decade. We offer our ability to bring like-minded singles together under one 'roof'. We also help them enjoy interracial dating and even cementing interracial relationships, which is difficult in the real world due to time and work constraints. encourages the mingling of many unique communities and ethnic groups. This diverse community helps members expand their horizons and get to know a lot more about each other's ways of life, expectations, and cultures. This truly makes us stand out from the cluster of indistinguishable dating sites on the internet, because unlike them, our members start out having something in common: a love for singles from other races and ethnicities.

With 23 years of experience, we have created an easy process for you to get started. By just completing our profile you can start meeting thousands of people like you who are interested in interracial dating.

Copyright © 2001-2024 /, Inc. - Dating Site for Interracial Singles - Find A Love Deeper Than Skin Color.
Powered by MillionaireMatch. InterracialMatch does not conduct background checks on the members of this website.
InterracialMatch is one of a group of affiliated dating sites serving people with diverse and varied interests. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for details regarding your privacy interests.